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Programledare - PS Occasion

Tillsammans med PS Occasion frågade sig Anna vad dessa nya tider innebär och PS Occasion lanserade sin tag line Business as Unusual. I sändningen nedan är Anna programledare.

PS Occasion tar upp många spännande och viktiga tankar när företag ställer om från "vanliga" event till digitala event. Innehållet i sändningen är:

AFRY gathered 17 000 employees for one big, digital event to launch their new brand internally. Cathrine explains how the mix of live events, pre-recorded material and interactivity made it a success.
The digital attention span in limited. Our Creative Director Richard knows how to keep it short and to the point.
What changes when we transform from physical to digital meetings? Fredrik, Head of Creatives at PS Occasion gives us 3 tips on how to create participation.
What can we do when the possibility to have physical meetings is temporary limited? For years we have developed digital meetings and now is the time to take it even further.
It's easier to turn off a screen than to walk out of a meeting. Our Executive Producer, Eva, gives us her best tips on how to keep the crowds attention.


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